The Importance of Salt Water Hot Tubs & Health

by Dec 19, 2017

The effects of soaking in a warm salt water bath on both the body and mind have been known for many years, dating back to the Roman Empire. Throughout history, this has been used in the medical field for hydrotherapy, as well as in the bathtub to help reduce stress and relax.

Recently we have seen an increase in the popularity of saltwater hot tubs yet there are still many misconceptions about what exactly they are and why you might consider converting your hot tub at home into one.

When most people think of salt water they probably think about the ocean and the overly salty water. Even if there were benefits, who would want that in their hot tub?

But a saltwater system for your hot tub is actually less about adding large amounts of salt and more about converting small amounts into a natural sanitizer using a saltwater spa system. Our Onzen Salt Water System not only provides this natural sanitizer using dead sea salts, but has the ability to change how concentrated you want your Hot Tub to be. The best part is this can be installed into any of our arctic spas Hot Tubs and pair nicely with the arctic spas control system.

The process for sanitizing is that it takes the dead sea salt and breaks it down to produce hypochlorous acid, a natural and safe disinfectant for your hot tub.

There are many benefits to using this system over a traditional chlorine one:

  • Less irritation. In fact, it may even help to keep your skin smooth.
  • Less odor.
  • Easier to maintain and less time-consuming.
  • Increases the natural healing elements of hot water to reduce tension, swelling, and ease joint pain.
  • Clean and natural, more eco-friendly

Even if you’re not worried about the chemicals, a saltwater spa system will lead to a greater enjoyment of your hot tub and less worry about taking care of it.